Saturday, May 28, 2011
About me sarang
Beast's Bad Girl Japanese version
I am happy that they still enjoy this song a lot and it feels less awkward than than the japanese version of shock .
Block b's album to be released on June 23rd
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Secret Garden wins the best drama award at the 47th BaekSang Arts Award
These beautiful ladies stoped watching "Secret Garden"early because the pace wasn't fast enough for them ( the body swap). Well they ended up missing out on one of the best dramas ever. I'm glad Secret Garden won this award because it was a very good drama. Hyun bin played Kim Joon Won an arrogant Ceo who think is perfect. That man falls deep in love with a poor stuntwoman played by Ha Ji Won. This drama has a very good plot. At first we can think it's a traditional drama with a big love story and regular second leads and all but no. But the story is actually amazing ,I have no words to describe it. I vigourously recommand this drama.
Yoon shi Yoon 47th BaekSang Arts Award
T.O.P at the 47 th Baeksang Art Award
T.O.P wins Best New Actor and Most Popular in BaekSang Arts Awards
Choi Seung Hyun said, "I'm very thankful. The movie, 'Into the Fire' gave me a lot of chances so I'm very thankful. I also have to thank President Yang Hyun Suk, the director for 'Into the Fire', Kim Seung Woo, Kwon Sang Woo, Cha Seung Won sunbae-nims, and to all the student soldier sunbaes who gave me endless advice. It made me work hard to not fall behind, and aspire myself to become a better actor.'
After winning Best Male Rookie in the 31st Blue Dragon Film Awards last November, Choi Seung Hyun's challenging role as a student soldier in his first movie, 'Into the Fire' also earned him a second award tonight for Best New Actor. He also showed charisma acting in the hit TV series, 'Iris'. This confirms Choi Seung Hyun's number one popularity in both acting and singing.
News about winning Most Popular Award
After winning his second award of the night, Choi Seung Hyun said the following in his thank you speech, "I also want to thank my BIGBANG members, as well as all my friends in my fan club who give me enormous amounts of strength. This award is also dedicated to you. Thank you very much."
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Serioulsy, I'm not fan of girls bands...
My favorite song of 2ne1 is Can't nobody ! It's make me happy ! :P This is english version !
I also really appreciate 4minutes ! I still have difficult to recognizing them and know their names. The only one that I rebember his name is Ji Yoon & Hyun A.I knew them when I started listen 2ne1 and I was like ''Mmmm , that's kinda good ! ''. The first song that I heard is Huh , I really love the way they dances & they have really nice voices . My favorite song of 4minute is I my me mine , I really the rythm! I love their sexy look ! Seriously , 2ne1 & 4minutes are for me the best band girl in Korea.
Miss Ripley
Genre: Melodrama, Romance
Air Time: Monday and Tuesday
Brocasted by: MBC
Lead Cats:
My impression: We can not forget that this drama is based on a true story. Shin Jung Ah profesor and art curator is miss ripley. This is not my type of drama because it's really seems makjung (korean term for cheesy). But the thing is it's a true story they can not be out of reality with this drama. No matter what the story is classic a love triangle. The « down the path of destruction» in this synopsis making me hope the worst. It's remind me "Summer's desirer" this drama is my nightmare, the fact is they also went down the path of destruction.
Dramaholics news
Second we are going to eat korean food tomorrow. I'm very anxious because it's so damn good.
Finally thanks to all of you and please comment or read our comments.
Lee Min Ho for City Hunter
Thank for reading me ! See yahh dramaholics.
Today is the premiere of city Hunter
Genre: Action, Romance
Air Time: Wednesday, Thursday
Brocasted by: SBS
Cast Lead :
Lee Mi Ho as Lee Young Sung
Park Min Young as Kim Na Na
Lee Joon Hyunk as Kim Young Jo
Hwang Sun Hee as Jin Soo Hee
Goo Ha Ra as Choi Da Hye
Synopsis: It's really hard to say something because the production is really unclear about it. It will be the story of Lee young Sung a MIT-graduate. He works on the international communication teams at the Blue House. He will encounters many dangerous situations while solving a variety of cases. All of this will make him become a city hunter.
My impression : For real you all know that I really love Lee Min Ho. My first impression is all this seems a bit messy because the production don't give all the information for this drama. May be they won't to surprise us ? However I find a manga and guess what the name is "City Hunter ". Then a few question or popping in my head like: It may be inspired of the same story ? I will watch the first episode as soon it's subtitled.
A bit afther the first appearance Neko told me it was about the same story. Then yes the drama is about the manga. We will be insured of this as soon the drama will begin.
Block B to release a mini album in june
"One concluding statement of determination?
Block B: We’ll be releasing our mini-album in June and beginning our activities then. It’ll consist of everything we couldn’t show through our debut single, so please watch over us and give us your support."
the whole interview
Full credit to BLOCKBINTL
Big bang is resting and preparing for new album
They have finished the tour with great success and Big Bang is now taking a rest domestically. On 25th, a staff of Big Bang has talked to the reporter of Starnews,’ Big Bang plans to enjoy their holiday by travelling.’ He continued, ‘they will have enough time for recharging themselves before they work on their new album.’
From the solo and united activities of GD&TOP, Taeyang, Seungri and Daesung last year, then they went further to release Big Bang’s new album and have been active in performing both in Korea and overseas.
Big Bang plans to work continuously throughout this year. In the meeting that G- Dragon had with the reporters earlier, ‘ We will work with a variety of overseas artists for the new album and through this collaboration, we want to do an extraordinary musical experienment.’ he outlined the new music style by saying so.
Big Bang has held their 10-day Japan tour in a total of 3 places, Osaka, Chiba and Nagoya. They have given us 8 concerts. There has been 100 000 fans who have been attracted to go to watch their performances.
Source : bigbangupdates
Big bang's "Ultimate International Best" album on May 25th
Release date: May 25th
Price: 3143yen (approximately 37 USD)

How Gee
Number One
Haru Haru
With U
Baby Baby
Make Love
So Beautiful
Shake it
This Love
We Belong Together
Together Forever
How Gee
Number One
With U
With U (PV Making)
Source :bigbangupdate
T.O.P confirmed to attend 47th Baeksang Arts Awards 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
My Drama Turn-Offs Part I
Yesterday, as I was talking to my friend on the phone and complaining about some silly thing someone in the drama I was watching did, I was hit by inspiration and I thought why not write about it? The avid drama watcher that I am has come to accept and understand some particularities of the Asian culture. I've made my peace with Karaoke, I can deal with the toilet humor,the angst, the characters crying themselves into oblivion, the botched suicide attempts (yes, I'm talking to you 49 days!) and even the love squares. Really, I can take it. But every once in a while something positively illogical or annoying happens and makes me want to throw my shoe at my laptop. And so I went into my really dark place filled k-drama hate and thought about all the little things that annoy and/or anger me. Don't get me wrong, I looove dramas, I do. But sometimes you just have to let it off your chest. So here is part one of my ranting. Enjoy!
I’m ashamed to admit that before watching dramas I was under the impression that Asians were really zen and calm people who never raised their voices and loved meditation. You know, like Mr. Miyagi. I know, it's stereotypical, but to the six year-old I was when I first watched The Karate Kid (the one with Hilary Swank) that's how it was and I had no other example to prove me wrong. So imagine my surprise to find out that I couldn't be further away from the truth. Never have I been confronted to so much screaming, especially in Taiwanese and Korean dramas. You can't imagine the amount of yelling that goes on in these things until you actually hear it. It's like they're all trying to out-yell each other in a shouting contest. Need to check it for yourself? Watch the first five minutes of Romance Town. That ought to convince you!
2. The Drunk Speeches
OK, so I've come to realize the cultural significance of alcohol to Koreans. I mean they like to drink, alright? Then they sing their hearts out, preferably in a Karaoke bar. It's their thing. What I don't understand is why drama writers feel obligated to bombard us with drunken people. I mean in every kdrama ever made, there is a scene where someone, be it the female lead or the neighbor's cat, is so drunk out of their mind that they pass out and have to be carried out . When they don't pass out, we get the drunk walk. The drunkard proceeds to repetedly stumble, fall on the ground, and get back up, all the while saying some senseless mumbo jumbo. To be fair, that scene sometimes serves a purpose as it allows the male character to give the girl a piggyback ride, which is really just an excuse so we can get some skinship (skin contact) between the characters.
3. The Arm/Wrist Grab
You knew what I was talking about before I even explained it. Admit it. In about every kdrama out there is a scene where a female character gets dragged out by her wrist by a male character. Whether it's because he's jealous, angry or simply because he has to talk to her (and it really can't wait), he just has to drag her behind him because God forbids she actually uses her own two feet and walk. By herself. And she never complains about it. Nope. Never. While it is usually followed by a kiss, a hug or some other kind of romantic gesture designed to make our hearts flutter, it doesn't always serve a purpose and to me it's just unnecessary forcefulness. And, might I add that a love declaration is still a love declaration whether it involves wrist-grabbing or not.
4. The Motionless hugs/kisses
In order for a kdrama to have a kissing scene it must follow some rules which it almost never deviates from. First of all, the PDA, be it a hug or a kiss, is always initiated by the male. That way, the female's image can remain ‘’pure’’ I guess? While the second time around she can be more active, if it's their first physical encounter (did I really just write that?) she must remain motionless. When he kisses her, she ought to stay passive and let him do his thing. The hug version isn't any better: she stands still like a mannequin, with her arms hanging by her side, until he’s done. I dislike this for the obvious reason: because it always results in some weird-ass scene where we, the viewers, see them kissing/hugging from different angles while the woman awkwardly stands there in a zombie-like state. But also because I feel like it encourages men to be the sexually aggressive ones, because women never take the initiative.
5. The Almost Meetings
This particular drama trope gets me worked up like nothing else. You see, characters in dramas have the near scientific ability to miss each other by half a second while being a few feet away from each other. They do this thing where they walk, drive, roll or run past each other completely oblivious to the fact that their significant other is at hand’s reach. Which I respond to by banging my head against the table and screaming at fictional characters I know cannot hear me. Anyone who has seen Delightful Girl Choon-Hyang knows what I’m talking about. So does my table.But since we're talking about that, I feel obligated to mention Baker King Kim Tak Goo. They did this funny thing where Tak Goo would run past someone he was looking for, then realize it and chase after them. Loved it!
Stay tuned for Part II and feel free to rate and comment and share your own drama pet-peeves! Who knows? They might end up on my list!
Beast "Fiction and Fact" limited edition will be released on May 24th
I found the t-shirts ! :

And poster found! :
For those who are interested to buy, I suggest you don't buy on yesasia. Why simply because you will pay at least 10 $ more than everywhere else and you will have no poster and even more, it doesn't count on any chart.
So where to buy : Dvdheaven, and also Gmarket. As for the price, it is 30.04 USD and 32.34 USD with the poster. I guess it comes in a box that looks like that :

Source : koreaboo
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Hyun Bin Beer Ad
Sayuri's (finally!) in the house!
Since you don't know me, let me properly introduce myself.
Who am I? That's a secret I'll never tell ( I know, too much Gossip Girl). However, I can tell you that my pen name is Sayuri.
I'm an avid drama watcher, be it American, Korean or Taiwanese. I don't really watch Japanese dramas, because I haven't come across really good ones, but I'm always open to suggestions.
I'm not Korean, or even Asian for that matter, so my point of view will probably be a very westernized one. But I will try to take account of the significant cultural differences between East and West and please believe that I mean no disrespect to anyone or anyone's culture, ever.
I'm also a little commitment-phobic so I can't say how long I'll be around!
Q & A: Things you should know about me:
What was your first contact with Asia?
Believe it or not, my first contact with Asia wasn't through dramas. It was actually through…Bollywood! My childhood best friend was (and still is) Pakistani and she introduced me to Indian cinema back in 2005. 6 years later, I have seen hundreds of Indian movies and I still looove Bollywood. Might even discuss it in this blog every once in a while.
What was your first contact with Asian dramas?
I first came around dramas about a year ago (March 2010), through my other best friend Sarang, and never went back since. OK, so I haven't been immersed in that culture for too long, but do take note that during that year I have watched over 40 dramas, which makes me a true dramaholic. That must count for something, right?
What was the first drama you ever watched?
Hana Yori Dango. My, oh, my. Those three words cannot even begin to express the roller-coaster of emotions that I went through watching this drama.
What kind of drama watcher are you?
Well, I like to stay away from the cheesy stuff. And the melodramatic stuff. So while I may stick with some overly makjangey dramas such as Baker King Kim Tak Goo, Makjang really isn't my thing. I like a good love story, but it can't be the only focus of the drama, I like multiple story arcs and a drama ought to have some substance. I'm a sucker for character growth and depth and I believe that you don't have to watch a drama all the way to the end to be able to rate it. Sometimes a bad drama will have a few redeeming qualities but most of the time a bad drama will stick to being bad it's entire run.
How old are you?
No, how old are you?
What do you like?
Depends…how much time do you have?
What do you hate?
Hate is such an ugly word. I much prefer the word dislike. For instance, I dislike people who cut in a line, people who stay motionless on the escalator when they're actually on the side where you're suppose to walk, people who don't leave comments after reading my posts... Just sayin'.
Favorite movie?
That's a hard one. I'm such a cinephile. Probably Black by Sanjay Leela Bhanshali. And no, it's not about race.
Favorite dramas?
I’ll get back to you on that.
Favorite music, then?
Well, I like pretty much everything and I mean, everything : rock, pop, classic, hip-hop, r&b, bhangra, etc. But I'm not that into K-pop so don't expect to hear much from me.
Favorite books?
Born blue by Han Nolan, Mr. Clarinet by Nick Stone, Perfume by Patrick Süskind and so on...
It's actually taken from the name of the main character in Arthur Golden's Memoirs of a Geisha. I simply loved the movie, even though I haven't read the book, and so as I was staring at the DVD box trying to find a pen name, it suddenly hit me. And so here we are. Also, Sayuri means small lily.
Why write in English if it isn't your first language?
Well, we (the creators of this blog) wanted to reach as many people as possible and we thought using the English language was the best way to achieve that. We may, eventually write in both English and French but for now we're sticking with English.
Mais, laissez-nous un petit message en Français et on se fera toutes un plaisir de vous répondre!
I fluently speak three languages, including English and French. I also speak some broken Hindi/Urdu and could probably mumble a few words of Spanish if my life depended on it. I've always wanted to write a book, travel around the world, be a world renowned lawyer, a diplomat and the sole heir to a multi-million dollar corporation. See how in my dreams I'm the ultimate male first lead in a Kdrama?
Keep in mind that English is not my first language and bear with me if you notice any grammar/spelling errors.
And…how about we save the rest for another time, shall we?