How did you first came in contact with Asia ?
I came in contact in asia during my first year of high school, seven years ago. I had a friend who read and watch InuYasha on YTV and she made me read it but I mainly watched the show (in english with english subtitles) and I liked it so I watched it until the end. At that time also my sister was begining to be interested in Asia bu tif I remember well it was Gackt for her.
Anime ?
While watching InuYasha I came across Gundam Seed and I liked it even more than InuYasha. To make it short, the first animus I watch were english dubbed on TV but after a while I started to watch on the internet and of course watching in japanese with english subtitles.
Even up to now I watch animes but I find it hard to watch them until the end because I get bored quite fast but there are really great animes for example Code Geass, Inuyasha, Gundam Seed (plus destiny), Rainbow, and of course Cardcaptor Sakura and Sailor Moon.
Drama ?
I first watched "One litter of tears" (by myself) and "Hana Yori Dango" (with my sister) but at that time I was mainly watching animes. The reason why I switched to dramas is quite simple, the plot were beginning to be uninteresting. I first started with japanese drama (I couldn't bear to watch watch Korean drama), I also tried to watch Taiwanese drama but it didn't worked either. I started watching Korean drama not long ago because japanese drama were also starting to be boring.
Best Korean Drama ? White Christmas, King of Baking, Dream High, Mary Stayed Out All Night, A Man Called God
Best Japanese Drama ? A Million Stars Falling From The Sky, Liar Game, One missed Call, Jin, Mr Brain
Manga ?
I still read a lot of them, I started more or less at the same time as animes but I still read a lot of them now and I am quite impress because I have been reading some for a few years already and i am not tired of them ^^. I read Subaru Moon solitude standing, skip Beat,Kuroshitsuji, The One, Naruto, Red and others I can't remember.
Music ?
I was introduced to Asian music almost as the same time as Asia thanks to animes, it started with Ayumi Hamasaki and then Gackt, T.M. Revolution and after that I followed my sister who discovered Boys band from Johnny's Entertainment first Arashi then SMAP. After that I switch a bit more than six month ago to KPop with CodeV poisoning and following was BEASt and then my sister made me listen to Bigbang that I didn't really liked until GD&TOP, after that came Dalmatian, block B and not long ago I listened to Jang Woo Huyk and also the rock group that has yet to debut Yanghwajin since I don't only listen to Kpop (I listen to metal and classical music but I do like asian metal and I'm sorry but japanese don't what metal is at best they do rock, and the best asian metal I have ever heard is chinese believe me it is really good and it is not always gothic metal), really appreciate Yanghwajin's sound because they are really close to what I call "real rock". Yes I love music (I could go on forever but i'll stop). And I am also a big fan of simon and martina (I love these two ).