Hi, Dramaholics there is the part 2. The second type of second lead is those who are simply machiavellian. It's mean that they make anything to have the first lead female. They plan to make her beacomes his. He can tries everything even if it's hurt her. I hate those kind too because they act like jerk. It's makes the drama become chesy. Everyone cries for nothing it's piss me off. The male lead and the female lead cant be together because off him. In this categorie we dont have much of Hanazawa Rui. I think they prefer the first type of Hanazawa Rui more then this one. The fact his nobody can stand this kind of jerk. Then we have Byun Hak Do (Delightful Girl Choon Hyang), Ou Chen (Summer's Desire), Lee Yul (Goong).

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